Friday, April 25, 2008


What is more frustrating?

  1. Being ruled by a government that prohibits freedom of speech ?
  2. Being ruled by a government that boasts 24/7 about the unprecedented margin of freedom it has allowed, but you notice that this freedom actually amounts to absolutely nothing since all what is published, or said is simply ignored?
  3. Being ruled by a government that boasts 24/7 about the unprecedented margin of freedom it has allowed, but if you are naive enough to believe this claim you end up behind bars?
SMS you answer to 19XXX. Prizes:
  • 1st Place: 6 months imprisonment & 6 months disappearance
  • 2nd Place: 3 months imprisonment & 12 months disappearance
  • 3rd Place: 1 month imprisonment & indefinite disappearance
p.s. Mabrouk, Israa Abdul Fatah has been finally released on Wednesday, April 23rd.

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