Monday, September 1, 2008

Ramadan Kareem

I had a revelation!! I realized that the only way to start Ramadan on a positive, inspiring, and fascinating note, is actually by not saying anything at all.

So instead (you really didn't think you'll get away that easily), I will invite you to listen to the words of someone I have deep respect for: Karen Armstrong.

Click here to listen to Ms Armstrong as she makes her TED Prize wish, titled "Charter for Compassion". Although Ms Armstrong does not (at least openly) align herself with one of the monolithic religions, she is one of the few people I know, who has got it right. Enjoy.


Anonymous said...

I truly enjoyed her speech, have always felt that way about all religeons but she summerized it very gracefully and without being threatening like most people.
Thank you and Happy Ramadhan.
Your friend from LaLa land (in case u could not figure it

nahoul said...

It's no surprise that you enjoyed that ya lala land friend. I wonder how others would feel about it.