I have no comment, but please listen to what the late Edward Said had to say:
#Jan25 : A rant about a revolution that lives on in one way or another
*"Today, I Saw"*
Today, I saw the picture from afar,
And I said, Hussein will die again.
Today, I saw—through a revolutionary’s eyes—
Hussein, surround...
1 week ago
The third annual 'Israeli Apartheid Week' is coming up- Feb 4-9. Cities participating in IAW include: Toronto, New York, Philadelphia, Washington D.C, Bay Area, Penn State, Chicago, London (UK), SOAS(UK), London School of Economics (UK), Norway, two campuses in Palestine (Al Quds Open University, Tulkarem), three cities in South Africa (Johannesburg, Durban, Cape Town), Winnipeg, Montreal, Vancouver, and Ottawa.
Check out http://www.apartheidweek.org/
All the best with IAW.
Keep up the good work.
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